Today, no-one has to die of cancer......

Throughout my career, I have been a Medical Genetics specialist and was involved in the Ultimate Warrior Project.

This was a Classified Project where the genetics were modified to produce a man that could stand at 6ft tall, pass the FAA 1st Class Flight Physical, have an IQ of 130+ and an Abstract Brain Function (ABF).  These babies started at $500,000 USD.

While I was working on the project, I discovered that the natural product Nytrylowsde had been removed from the food chain by the US Government in order to cause cancer and force individuals into their Chemo or Radiation Termination Procedures pursuant to the UN Charter Mandate of Population Control.

The even more sickening issue is that the US Government want to take $250,000 from people and their families for the Chemo and Radiation "therapies" that do not work.  They only shock the cancer thus causing it to mutate into a different form.

Order this product and kill YOUR Cancer NOW

A Chemo-spill on skin (who knows what it does to your insides ???)

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